Do you want to register other people to vote?

In the State of Texas, if you want to register other people to vote, then you need to be a volunteer deputy voter registrar. This allows you to help someone fill out a voter registration application and then hand deliver that application to the elections office to ensure that it is processed. To be eligible to serve as a DVR, you must be:

  1. At least 18 years of age, and

  2. A registered voter (if you are not currently registered, you can always get registered at the elections office when you go to get deputized)

If you meet the previous criteria, all you need to do is go down to the McLennan County Elections Office located on 214 N 4th St #300, Waco, TX 76701. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

It is incredibly important that we register as many people as possible if we want to fundamentally change the electorate in McLennan County. Becoming a deputy voter registrar is a great way to do your part in making that a reality. You could register everyone in your church, civic groups, workplace, etc.

DISCLAIMER: If for some reason you are ineligible or unable to become a DVR, you can still help people register. You can always carry voter registration cards to distribute to folks, but they have to be the ones to drop it in the mailbox. You can pick up voter registration cards at the Elections Office or at the MCDP Office (located on 3221 Franklin Ave #307, Waco, TX 76710).